rust-bootstrap-10.7 (lang/rust-bootstrap) Updated: 1 week, 5 days ago Add to my watchlist

A safe, concurrent, practical language

Rust is a curly-brace, block-structured expression language. It visually resembles the C language family, but differs significantly in syntactic and semantic details. Its design is oriented toward concerns of "programming in the large", that is, of creating and maintaining boundaries -- both abstract and operational -- that preserve large-system integrity, availability and concurrency.

Version: 1.77.0 License: (MIT or Apache-2) and BSD and zlib and NCSA and Permissive
Maintainers MarcusCalhoun-Lopez
Categories devel lang
Platforms {darwin any >= 16 < 18}

Subport(s) (4)

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lib (5)
build (5)

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