xxh (sysutils/xxh) Updated: 2 months ago Add to my watchlist

Bring your favorite shell wherever you go through ssh.

Bring your favorite shell wherever you go through ssh. You stuffed your command shell with aliases, tools and colors but you lose it all when using ssh. The mission of xxh is to bring your favorite shell wherever you go through ssh without root access and system installations.

Version: 0.8.14 License: BSD GitHub
Maintainers herbygillot
Categories sysutils python
Homepage https://github.com/xxh/xxh
Platforms {darwin any}
Variants -

"xxh" depends on

lib (3)
build (5)
test (1)

Ports that depend on "xxh"

No ports

Port Health:

Loading Port Health

Installations (30 days)


Requested Installations (30 days)