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an assembly language MIPS R2000/R3000 simulator

SPIM S20 is a software simulator that runs assembly language programs for the MIPS R2000/R3000 RISC computers. SPIM can read and immediately run files containing assembly language statements. SPIM is a self-contained system for running these programs and contains a debugger and interface to the operating system. SPIM implements almost the entire MIPS assembler-extended instruction set for the R2000/R3000. (I've omitted some the complex floating point comparisons and details of the memory system page tables.) The MIPS architecture has evolved considerably since then (in particular the 64-bit extensions), which means that SPIM will not run programs compiled for recent MIPS or SGI processors.

Version: 9.1.22 License: BSD GitHub
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2024-Apr-07 to 2024-May-07

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