py39-pygtrie (python/py-pygtrie) Updated: 2 months ago Add to my watchlist

Trie data structure implementation.

pygtrie is a pure Python implementation of a trie data structure. Trie data structure, also known as radix or prefix tree, is a tree associating keys to values where all the descendants of a node have a common prefix (associated with that node). The trie module contains Trie, CharTrie and StringTrie classes each implementing a mutable mapping interface, i.e. dict interface. As such, in most circumstances, Trie could be used as a drop-in replacement for a dict, but the prefix nature of the data structure is trie’s real strength. The module also contains PrefixSet class which uses a trie to store a set of prefixes such that a key is contained in the set if it or its prefix is stored in the set.

Version: 2.5.0 License: Apache-2 GitHub
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