py37-leather (python/py-leather) Updated: 2 years, 4 months ago Add to my watchlist

Python charting for 80% of humans

Leather is the Python charting library for those who need charts now and don’t care if they’re perfect. Leather isn’t picky. It’s rough. It gets dirty. It looks sexy just hanging on the back of a chair. Leather doesn’t need your accessories. Leather is how Snake Plissken would make charts.

Version: 0.3.4 License: MIT
Maintainers esafak
Categories python
Platforms {darwin any}
Variants -

Subport(s) (9)

"py37-leather" depends on

lib (5)
build (2)

Ports that depend on "py37-leather"

Port Health:

Loading Port Health

Installations (30 days)


Requested Installations (30 days)


Livecheck error

Error: Port py37-leather not found

last updated: 23 hours ago