py-gcn (python/py-gcn) Add to my watchlist

anonymous VOEvent client for receiving GCN/TAN notices in XML format

Anonymous VOEvent client for receiving GCN/TAN notices in XML format. The Gamma-ray Coordinates Network/Transient Astronomy Network (GCN/TAN, is a system for distributing astronomical alerts, largely focused on operations of and detections from high-energy satellite missions. This package implements a simple client that anonymously listens for VOEvent ( XML format notices over the custom TCP/IP VOEvent Transport Protocol (

Version: 0.1.19 License: GPL-2+ GitHub
Maintainers lpsinger
Categories science python
Platforms {darwin any}
Variants -

Subport(s) (4)

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lib (1)
build (1)

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Livecheck results

py-gcn seems to have been updated (port version: 0.1.19, new version: 1.1.2)

livecheck ran: 1 day, 16 hours ago