p5-specio-library-path-tiny (perl/p5-specio-library-path-tiny) Updated: 1 year, 11 months ago Add to my watchlist

Specio::Library::Path::Tiny - Path::Tiny types and coercions for Specio
Version: 0.50.0 License: (Artistic-1 or GPL) GitHub

7 build(s) found
Builder Build Number Start Time Elapsed Time Watcher Build Status
10.5_ppc 94969 2019-03-11 8:27:34 0:11:02 22066 build successful
10.12 86420 2019-03-10 14:20:16 0:03:33 21776 build successful
10.10 81628 2019-03-10 13:43:11 0:03:40 22831 build successful
10.13 51660 2019-03-10 10:05:05 0:03:57 13752 build successful
10.14 25638 2019-03-10 8:34:33 0:03:40 4462 build successful
10.11 81132 2019-03-10 8:33:11 0:03:31 22783 build successful
10.9 83565 2019-03-10 8:25:34 0:02:40 22776 build successful