osmocore (science/osmocore) Add to my watchlist
osmocore provides a set of C-language libraries that form the core infrastructure of many Osmocom Open Source Mobile Communications projects.Version: 1.3.0 License: GPL-2+ GitHub
Maintainers | michaelld |
Categories | science comms |
Homepage | https://github.com/osmocom/libosmocore |
Platforms | darwin macosx |
Variants |
Subport(s) (1)
"osmocore" depends on
lib (4)
build (6)
Ports that depend on "osmocore"
lib (2)Port Health:
Loading Port Health
Installations (30 days)
Requested Installations (30 days)
Livecheck results
osmocore seems to have been updated (port version: 1.3.0, new version: 1.10.0)
livecheck ran: 16 hours ago