mise (sysutils/mise) Updated: 2 months ago Add to my watchlist

dev tools, env vars, task runner (formerly called 'rtx')

mise is a front-end to your dev environment. Like asdf (or nvm or pyenv but for any language) it manages dev tools like node, python, cmake, terraform, and hundreds more. Like direnv it manages environment variables for different project directories. Like make it manages tasks used to build and test projects.

Version: 2024.4.0 License: MIT GitHub
Maintainers MisLink
Categories sysutils
Homepage https://github.com/jdx/mise
Platforms darwin
  • universal (Build for multiple architectures)

"mise" depends on

lib (1)
build (4)

Ports that depend on "mise"

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Livecheck results

mise seems to have been updated (port version: 2024.4.0, new version: 2024.6.1)

livecheck ran: 1 day, 19 hours ago