gr-osmosdr (science/gr-osmosdr) Updated: 3 years, 6 months ago Add to my watchlist

gr-osmosdr provides support for OsmoSDR hardware within GNU Radio

Includes OSMO SDR support GNU Radio source and sink blocks in C++, Python, and GNU Radio Companion (grc). This port also offers a wrapper functionality for the FunCube Dongle, FunCube Dongle Pro+, HackRF, RFSpace, Ettus UHD, and rtl-sdr radios and software. By using gr-osmosdr source you can take advantage of a common software API in your applications independent of the underlying radio hardware.

Version: 20210117-cffef690 License: GPL-3 GitHub
Maintainers michaelld
Categories science comms
Platforms darwin macosx
  • airspy (Install gr-osmosdr with support for airspy)
  • airspyhf (Install gr-osmosdr with support for airspyhf)
  • bladeRF (Install gr-osmosdr with support for bladeRF)
  • debug (Enable debug binaries)
  • docs (Install documentation)
  • fcdproplus (Install gr-osmosdr with support for FunCube Dongle Pro+ (fcdproplus))
  • hackrf (Install gr-osmosdr with support for hackrf)
  • iio (Install gr-osmosdr with support for IIO devices like PlutoSDR)
  • python38 (Build with python 3.8 support)
  • python39 (Build with python 3.9 support)
  • redpitaya (Install gr-osmosdr with support for Red Pitaya)
  • rfspace (Install gr-osmosdr with support for RFSpace)
  • rtlsdr (Install gr-osmosdr with support for rtl-sdr)
  • sdrplay (Install gr-osmosdr with support for SDRplay)
  • soapysdr (Install gr-osmosdr with support for SoapySDR)
  • spyserver (Install gr-osmosdr with support for airspy spyserver)
  • uhd (Install gr-osmosdr with support for UHD)
  • universal (Build for multiple architectures)

Subport(s) (1)

"gr-osmosdr" depends on

lib (18)
build (8)
run (3)

Ports that depend on "gr-osmosdr"

Port Health:

Loading Port Health

Installations (30 days)


Requested Installations (30 days)