adblock2privoxy (www/adblock2privoxy) Updated: 5 months, 1 week ago Add to my watchlist

Convert adblock config files to privoxy format

Convert adblock config files to privoxy format. AdBlock Plus browser plugin has great block list files provided by big community, but it is client software and cannot work on a server as proxy. Privoxy proxy has good potential to block ads at server side, but it experiences acute shortage of updated block lists. This software converts adblock lists to privoxy config files format. Almost all adblock features are supported including block/unblock requests (on privoxy) all syntax features are supported except for regex templates matching host name hide/unhide page elements (via CSS) all syntax features are supported all block request options except for outdated ones: Supported: script, image, stylesheet, object, xmlhttprequest, object-subrequest, subdocument, document, elemhide, other, popup, third-party, domain=..., match-case, donottrack.

Version: 2.3.0 License: GPL-3 GitHub
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