STC (devel/STC) Updated: 11 months ago Add to my watchlist

A modern, user-friendly, generic, type-safe and fast C99 container library

A modern, user-friendly, generic, type-safe and fast C99 container library featuring string, vector, sorted and unordered map and set, deque, forward list, smart pointers, bitset and random numbers.

Version: 4.2 License: MIT GitHub
Maintainers mascguy barracuda156
Categories devel
Platforms darwin
  • debug (Enable debug binaries)
  • universal (Build for multiple architectures)

"STC" depends on

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Livecheck results

STC seems to have been updated (port version: 071b41c0fe95cb3f9a72bbe0417d856e7989ca08, new version: 09790f024ad29fca6fe60528461eeb589d4a917b)

livecheck ran: 16 hours ago