R-vosonSML (R/R-vosonSML) Updated: 1 year, 1 month ago Add to my watchlist

Collecting social media data and generating networks for analysis

A suite of easy to use functions for collecting social media data and generating networks for analysis. Supports Twitter, YouTube, Reddit and web site data sources.

Version: 0.32.7 License: GPL-3+ GitHub
Maintainers barracuda156
Categories science www R
Homepage https://vosonlab.github.io/vosonSML
Platforms darwin
Variants -

"R-vosonSML" depends on

lib (12)
run (1)
build (2)

Ports that depend on "R-vosonSML"

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Port Health:

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Installations (30 days)


Requested Installations (30 days)


Livecheck results

R-vosonSML seems to have been updated (port version: 0.32.7, new version: 0.34)

livecheck ran: 2 days ago