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53 port(s) found

Page 1 of 3 | Showing port(s) 1 to 20


Unified Parallel C runtime

Version: 2.22.3 | Maintained by: tenomoto | Categories: science lang parallel | Variants: clang10, clang11, clang12, clang50, clang60, clang70, clang80, clang90, clangdevel, gcc10, gcc11, gcc5, gcc6, gcc7, gcc8, gcc9, gccdevel, mpich, openmpi


TeX to MathML converter

Version: 1.0 | Maintained by: tenomoto | Categories: textproc tex | Variants: doc


Climate Data Operators

Version: 2.5.0 | Maintained by: tenomoto, remkos | Categories: science | Variants: clang10, clang11, clang12, clang13, clang14, clang15, clang16, clang17, clang18, clang19, clang50, clang60, clang70, clang80, clang90, clangdevel, gcc10, gcc11, gcc12, gcc13, gcc14, gccdevel, mpich, openmpi, grib2, grib_api, eccodes, szip, magicspp, cdi, universal


parallel programming language

Version: 1.20.0 | Maintained by: tenomoto | Categories: science lang parallel | Variants:


Read and Write IDL SAVE files

Version: 2013-04-19 | Maintained by: tenomoto | Categories: science math | Variants:


Digital Chart of the World (DCW) for GMT 5

Version: 2.2.0 | Maintained by: tenomoto, remkos | Categories: science | Variants:


API and tools for decoding and encoding GRIB, BUFR and GTS formats

Version: 2.39.0 | Maintained by: tenomoto, remkos | Categories: science | Variants: debug, clang10, clang11, clang12, clang13, clang14, clang15, clang16, clang17, clang18, clang19, clang50, clang60, clang70, clang80, clang90, clangdevel, g95, gcc10, gcc11, gcc12, gcc13, gcc14, gccdevel, gfortran, openmp, memfs


flexible C++ library for efficient numerical optimization

Version: 2.22.1 | Maintained by: tenomoto | Categories: devel science math | Variants: debug, tests


software for building and coupling weather, climate, and related models

Version: 8.5.0 | Maintained by: tenomoto | Categories: devel science | Variants: g95, gcc13, gcc14, gccdevel, gcc10, gcc11, gfortran, mpich, openmpi, accelerate, atlas, gcc12


Fortran interface to the GNU scientific library

Version: 1.6.0 | Maintained by: tenomoto, Dave-Allured | Categories: science math | Variants: gcc10, gcc11, gcc12, gcc13, gccdevel


OpenCL Fortran 90 interface

Version: 0.1alpha4 | Maintained by: tenomoto | Categories: devel science parallel | Variants: g95, gcc10, gcc11, gcc5, gcc6, gcc7, gcc8, gcc9, gccdevel, universal


Free Pascal documentation

Version: 2.6.4 | Maintained by: tenomoto | Categories: lang | Variants:


support library to enable OPeNDAP in GrADS2

Version: 2.1 | Maintained by: tenomoto | Categories: science | Variants: universal


Global-Address Space Networking

Version: 1.26.3 | Maintained by: tenomoto | Categories: devel net science parallel | Variants: gcc10, gcc7, gcc9, mpich, openmpi


The Generic Mapping Tools

Version: 4.5.18 | Maintained by: tenomoto | Categories: science | Variants: octave, gdal, triangle, xgrid


a free IDL combatible incremental compiler

Version: 1.0.0-rc.3 | Maintained by: tenomoto | Categories: science math | Variants: debug, clang10, clang11, clang12, clangdevel, gcc10, gcc11, gcc12, gcc13, gcc14, gccdevel, mpich, clang13, clang14, clang15, clang16, clang17, clang18, clang19, clang50, clang60, clang70, clang80, clang90, openmpi, wxWidgets, python27, gshhs, universal


interactive visualization tool for earth science data

Version: 2.2.1 | Maintained by: tenomoto | Categories: science | Variants: universal


file format for storing scientific data and utilities

Version: 4.2.15 | Maintained by: tenomoto | Categories: science | Variants: g95, gcc10, gcc11, gcc12, gcc13, gccdevel, szip, universal


HDF-EOS library built on HDF4

Version: 3.0 | Maintained by: tenomoto | Categories: science | Variants: szip, universal


HDF-EOS library built on HDF5

Version: 2.0 | Maintained by: tenomoto | Categories: science | Variants: gcc10, gcc11, gcc12, gcc13, gcc14, gccdevel, mpich, openmpi, szip, universal

53 port(s) found

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