

Displays failed builds that have not been followed by successful builds. This will override the status filter.

2,770,351 build(s) found

Page 9 of 27,704 | Showing build(s) 801 to 900

Port Builder Build Number Start Time Elapsed Time Watcher Build Status
R-bpcp 10.14 208647 2024-05-09 5:53:57 0:00:51 67460 build successful
R-vsclust 13 69392 2024-05-09 5:53:09 0:00:35 20941 failed install-dependencies
R-VariantAnnotation 13 69391 2024-05-09 5:52:28 0:00:40 20941 failed install-dependencies
R-TileDBArray 13 69390 2024-05-09 5:52:02 0:00:24 20941 failed install-dependencies
R-systemPipeR 13 69389 2024-05-09 5:51:12 0:00:50 20941 failed install-dependencies
R-VARshrink 11 156244 2024-05-09 5:50:49 0:00:57 46390 build successful
R-table1 11 156243 2024-05-09 5:49:58 0:00:50 46390 build successful
R-survcomp 13 69388 2024-05-09 5:49:28 0:01:42 20941 build successful
R-sticky 11 156242 2024-05-09 5:49:12 0:00:44 46390 build successful
R-sqliteutils 10.14 208646 2024-05-09 5:48:47 0:00:58 67459 build successful
R-Structstrings 13 69387 2024-05-09 5:48:23 0:01:04 20941 build successful
R-SQLDataFrame 13 69386 2024-05-09 5:47:49 0:00:34 20941 failed install-dependencies
R-sqlhelper 10.14 208645 2024-05-09 5:47:24 0:01:21 67459 build successful
R-SingleCellExperiment 13 69385 2024-05-09 5:47:16 0:00:32 20941 failed install-dependencies
R-robeth 11 156241 2024-05-09 5:47:07 0:02:03 46390 build successful
R-ShortRead 13 69384 2024-05-09 5:46:44 0:00:31 20941 failed install-dependencies
R-SBICgraph 10.14 208644 2024-05-09 5:46:29 0:00:52 67459 build successful
R-qGaussian 11 156240 2024-05-09 5:45:39 0:01:26 46390 build successful
R-SeqArray 13 69383 2024-05-09 5:44:47 0:01:54 20941 build successful
R-rsbml 13 69382 2024-05-09 5:43:50 0:00:56 20941 build successful
R-PlaneGeometry 11 156239 2024-05-09 5:43:17 0:02:20 46390 build successful
R-RoBSA 10.14 208643 2024-05-09 5:42:51 0:03:34 67459 build successful
R-rco 10.14 208642 2024-05-09 5:42:13 0:00:37 67459 build successful
R-NonProbEst 11 156238 2024-05-09 5:41:41 0:01:34 46390 build successful
R-panelView 10.14 208641 2024-05-09 5:41:20 0:00:51 67459 build successful
R-lemon 11 156237 2024-05-09 5:40:23 0:01:16 46390 build successful
R-nimbleSMC 10.14 208640 2024-05-09 5:40:08 0:01:10 67459 build successful
R-kcpRS 11 156236 2024-05-09 5:39:07 0:01:14 46390 build successful
R-Rgraphviz 13 69381 2024-05-09 5:38:31 0:05:18 20941 build successful
R-ResidualMatrix 13 69380 2024-05-09 5:38:03 0:00:27 20941 failed install-dependencies
R-ncpen 10.14 208639 2024-05-09 5:38:00 0:02:06 67459 build successful
R-RBGL 13 69379 2024-05-09 5:34:41 0:03:20 20941 build successful
R-jmatrix 11 156235 2024-05-09 5:34:36 0:04:29 46390 build successful
xdispatch2 10.11 265193 2024-05-09 5:34:17 0:02:03 85897 build successful
R-RaggedExperiment 13 69378 2024-05-09 5:34:04 0:00:35 20941 failed install-dependencies
R-ibdreg 11 156234 2024-05-09 5:33:45 0:00:48 46390 build successful
xdispatch2 10.8 178355 2024-05-09 5:33:26 0:01:10 56259 failed install-port
R-gwbr 11 156233 2024-05-09 5:32:49 0:00:54 46390 build successful
xdispatch2 10.10 270375 2024-05-09 5:32:49 0:01:08 85792 failed install-port
R-pwalign 13 69377 2024-05-09 5:32:48 0:01:11 20941 build successful
xdispatch2 10.6.x86_64 202262 2024-05-09 5:32:25 0:01:36 58488 build successful
xdispatch2 10.6 166590 2024-05-09 5:32:01 0:01:47 58447 build successful
xdispatch2 10.7 191277 2024-05-09 5:31:35 0:01:20 58207 failed install-port
xdispatch2 10.9 277523 2024-05-09 5:31:03 0:01:00 85466 failed install-port
R-glmtoolbox 11 156232 2024-05-09 5:31:02 0:01:38 46390 build successful
R-preprocessCore 13 69376 2024-05-09 5:30:39 0:02:03 20941 build successful
xdispatch2 10.15 185521 2024-05-09 5:30:29 0:02:16 56471 build successful
xdispatch2 10.12 274595 2024-05-09 5:30:08 0:01:48 84676 build successful
xdispatch2 10.13 234428 2024-05-09 5:29:48 0:01:39 76729 build successful
R-pcaMethods 13 69375 2024-05-09 5:29:34 0:01:03 20941 build successful
R-mmcif 10.14 208638 2024-05-09 5:29:31 0:08:27 67459 build successful
xdispatch2 12 108329 2024-05-09 5:29:26 0:02:09 35258 build successful
xdispatch2 12.arm64 128137 2024-05-09 5:29:06 0:00:34 35232 build successful
R-ginormal 11 156231 2024-05-09 5:28:59 0:02:01 46390 build successful
R-multtest 13 69374 2024-05-09 5:28:49 0:00:43 20941 build successful
R-MultiAssayExperiment 13 69373 2024-05-09 5:28:08 0:00:39 20941 failed install-dependencies
R-IsingFit 10.14 208637 2024-05-09 5:27:52 0:01:36 67459 build successful
R-MsCoreUtils 13 69372 2024-05-09 5:27:09 0:00:56 20941 build successful
R-instantiate 10.14 208636 2024-05-09 5:26:31 0:01:20 67459 build successful
R-MassSpecWavelet 13 69371 2024-05-09 5:26:15 0:00:53 20941 build successful
R-fusen 10.14 208635 2024-05-09 5:24:23 0:02:06 67459 build successful
R-gibasa 11 156230 2024-05-09 5:23:12 0:05:45 46390 build successful
R-kebabs 13 69370 2024-05-09 5:23:00 0:03:12 20941 build successful
R-InteractionSet 13 69369 2024-05-09 5:22:31 0:00:29 20941 failed install-dependencies
R-future.tests 11 156229 2024-05-09 5:22:11 0:00:59 46390 build successful
R-parsermd 10.14 208634 2024-05-09 5:21:39 0:02:43 67459 build successful
R-fnets 11 156228 2024-05-09 5:20:49 0:01:21 46390 build successful
R-impute 13 69368 2024-05-09 5:20:47 0:01:37 20941 build successful
R-fRLR 10.14 208633 2024-05-09 5:20:25 0:01:12 67459 build successful
R-HilbertVis 13 69367 2024-05-09 5:20:11 0:00:35 20941 build successful
R-HDF5Array 13 69366 2024-05-09 5:19:43 0:00:25 20941 failed install-dependencies
R-elhmc 10.14 208632 2024-05-09 5:19:36 0:00:47 67459 build successful
R-groHMM 13 69365 2024-05-09 5:19:02 0:00:39 20941 failed install-dependencies
R-bib2df 11 156227 2024-05-09 5:19:02 0:01:45 46390 build successful
R-graph 13 69364 2024-05-09 5:18:05 0:00:51 20941 build successful
R-BayesLogit 11 156226 2024-05-09 5:18:03 0:00:58 46390 build successful
R-eff2 10.14 208631 2024-05-09 5:18:00 0:01:29 67459 build successful
R-ebal 10.14 208630 2024-05-09 5:17:29 0:00:30 67459 build successful
R-abseil 11 156225 2024-05-09 5:17:00 0:01:01 46390 build successful
R-GenomicFeatures 13 69363 2024-05-09 5:16:53 0:01:11 20941 failed install-dependencies
R-genefilter 13 69362 2024-05-09 5:13:52 0:02:59 20941 build successful
R-crs 10.14 208629 2024-05-09 5:11:07 0:06:20 67459 build successful
R-xtensor 11 156224 2024-05-09 5:10:51 0:02:27 46389 build successful
R-CoImp 10.14 208628 2024-05-09 5:10:14 0:00:52 67459 build successful
R-TeXCheckR 11 156223 2024-05-09 5:09:38 0:01:11 46389 build successful
R-CIfinder 10.14 208627 2024-05-09 5:09:04 0:01:08 67459 build successful
R-silicate 11 156222 2024-05-09 5:08:29 0:01:08 46389 build successful
R-gdsfmt 13 69361 2024-05-09 5:08:27 0:05:22 20941 build successful
R-ratesci 10.14 208626 2024-05-09 5:08:07 0:00:55 67459 build successful
R-unjoin 11 156221 2024-05-09 5:07:28 0:00:59 46389 build successful
R-rWishart 11 156220 2024-05-09 5:06:29 0:00:58 46389 build successful
R-fmcsR 13 69360 2024-05-09 5:05:30 0:02:55 20941 build successful
R-roughnet 11 156219 2024-05-09 5:05:19 0:01:08 46389 build successful
R-RcppJagger 11 156218 2024-05-09 5:03:58 0:01:21 46389 build successful
R-bayesZIB 10.14 208625 2024-05-09 5:03:28 0:04:37 67459 build successful
R-EnrichedHeatmap 13 69359 2024-05-09 5:03:15 0:02:13 20941 build successful
R-EBImage 13 69358 2024-05-09 5:01:53 0:01:19 20941 build successful
R-poweRlaw 11 156217 2024-05-09 5:01:41 0:02:15 46389 build successful
R-fftwtools 13 69357 2024-05-09 5:00:59 0:00:52 20941 build successful
R-DNAcopy 13 69356 2024-05-09 4:59:27 0:01:30 20941 build successful
2,770,351 build(s) found

Page 9 of 27,704 | Showing build(s) 801 to 900