Open CASCADE Community Edition
Version: 0.18.3 | Maintained by: mbrethen | Categories: graphics | Variants: debug, test, draw, tbb, freeimage, gl2ps, universalOpen Source Computer Vision Library
Version: 3.4.16 | Maintained by: mascguy | Categories: graphics science | Variants: debug, avx, avx2, eigen, opencl, openmp, openni, dc1394, qt4, qt5, java, tbb, vtk, gdal, contrib, nonfree, tests, universalOpen Source Computer Vision Library
Version: 3.4.16 | Maintained by: mascguy | Categories: graphics science | Variants: debug, avx, avx2, eigen, opencl, openmp, openni, dc1394, qt4, qt5, java, tbb, vtk, gdal, contrib, nonfree, tests, universalOpen Source Computer Vision Library
Version: 4.9.0 | Maintained by: mascguy | Categories: graphics science | Variants: debug, eigen, gdal, nonfree, opencl, openmp, openni, contrib, qt4, qt5, gtk3, java, tbb, vtk, testsOpen Source Computer Vision Library
Version: 4.9.0 | Maintained by: mascguy | Categories: graphics science | Variants: debug, eigen, gdal, nonfree, opencl, openmp, openni, contrib, qt4, qt5, java, tbb, vtk, testsC++ library for concurrency and parallelism
Version: 0.30.1 | Maintained by: barracuda156 | Categories: devel parallel | Variants: debug, clang10, clang11, clang12, clang13, clang14, clang15, clang16, clang17, clang18, clang19, clang90, g95, gcc10, gcc11, gcc12, gcc13, gcc14, gfortran, mpich, openmpi, jemalloc, tbb, tests, universalNumba is a NumPy aware dynamic compiler for Python.
Version: 0.59.1 | Maintained by: stromnov | Categories: devel python | Variants: tbbNumba is a NumPy aware dynamic compiler for Python.
Version: 0.59.1 | Maintained by: stromnov | Categories: devel python | Variants: tbb, universalNumba is a NumPy aware dynamic compiler for Python.
Version: 0.59.1 | Maintained by: stromnov | Categories: devel python | Variants: tbb, universalNumba is a NumPy aware dynamic compiler for Python.
Version: 0.59.1 | Maintained by: stromnov | Categories: devel python | Variants: tbb, universalNumba is a NumPy aware dynamic compiler for Python.
Version: 0.59.1 | Maintained by: stromnov | Categories: devel python | Variants: tbb, universalEmbedded key-value store for fast storage
Version: 9.6.1 | Maintained by: stromnov | Categories: devel databases | Variants: debug, jemalloc, tbb, universalVTK-m is a toolkit of scientific visualization algorithms for emerging processor architectures
Version: 2.2.0 | Maintained by: reneeotten | Categories: devel graphics science | Variants: debug, native, openmp, tbb, universalVTK-m is a toolkit of scientific visualization algorithms for emerging processor architectures
Version: 1.7.1 | Maintained by: reneeotten | Categories: devel graphics science | Variants: debug, native, openmp, tbb, universal