GRASS Geographic Information System
Version: 8.4.1 | Maintained by: nilason | Categories: gis | Variants: debug, debugoptimized, gui, mysql57, mysql8, openblas, openmp, postgresql12, postgresql13, postgresql14, postgresql15, postgresql16, proj6, proj7, proj8, proj9, python39, python310, python311, python312, python313, universalGRASS
Version: 7.8.8 | Maintained by: nilason | Categories: gis | Variants: debug, debugoptimized, python39, python310, python311, proj6, proj7, proj8, proj9, gui, mysql5, postgresql10, postgresql11, postgresql12, postgresql13, postgresql14, postgresql15, sqlite, openblas, zstd, universalLAS 1.0/1.1/1.2 ASPRS LiDAR data translation toolset
Version: 1.8.1-20230311 | Maintained by: | Categories: gis | Variants: debug, proj6, proj7, proj8, proj9, universalmapserver
Version: 8.0.2 | Maintained by: nilason | Categories: gis | Variants: debug, fastcgi, python38, python39, python310, python311, python312, postgis, proj6, proj7, proj8, proj9, apache2, apache_apple, universalAlien::proj - Find/Install the PROJ library, version 6.1+
Version: 1.300.0 | Maintained by: dbevans | Categories: perl | Variants: proj7, proj8, proj9Alien::proj - Find/Install the PROJ library, version 6.1+
Version: 1.300.0 | Maintained by: dbevans | Categories: perl | Variants: proj7, proj8, proj9Alien::proj - Find/Install the PROJ library, version 6.1+
Version: 1.300.0 | Maintained by: dbevans | Categories: perl | Variants: proj7, proj8, proj9Alien::proj - Find/Install the PROJ library, version 6.1+
Version: 1.300.0 | Maintained by: dbevans | Categories: perl | Variants: proj7, proj8, proj9Alien::proj - Find/Install the PROJ library, version 6.1+
Version: 1.300.0 | Maintained by: dbevans | Categories: perl | Variants: proj7, proj8, proj9PostGIS is the spatial extension to the PostGreSQL database.
Version: 3.5.2 | Maintained by: nilason, Veence | Categories: databases gis | Variants: address_standardizer, lto, proj6, proj7, proj8, proj9, raster, sfcgal, topology, universalPostGIS is the spatial extension to the PostGreSQL database.
Version: 3.5.2 | Maintained by: nilason, Veence | Categories: databases gis | Variants: address_standardizer, lto, proj6, proj7, proj8, proj9, raster, sfcgal, topology, universalPostGIS is the spatial extension to the PostGreSQL database.
Version: 3.5.2 | Maintained by: nilason, Veence | Categories: databases gis | Variants: address_standardizer, lto, proj6, proj7, proj8, proj9, raster, sfcgal, topology, universalPostGIS is the spatial extension to the PostGreSQL database.
Version: 3.5.2 | Maintained by: nilason, Veence | Categories: databases gis | Variants: address_standardizer, lto, proj6, proj7, proj8, proj9, raster, sfcgal, topology, universalPostGIS is the spatial extension to the PostGreSQL database.
Version: 3.5.2 | Maintained by: nilason, Veence | Categories: databases gis | Variants: address_standardizer, lto, proj6, proj7, proj8, proj9, raster, sfcgal, topology, universalPostGIS is the spatial extension to the PostGreSQL database.
Version: 2.5.5 | Maintained by: Veence | Categories: databases gis | Variants: postgresql12, postgresql11, postgresql10, postgresql93, postgresql94, postgresql95, postgresql96, raster, topology, sfcgal, gui, proj7, comments, universalUse your Garmin GPS with Linux/Mac OS X
Version: 1.8.1-macports-20200922 | Maintained by: mklein-de | Categories: gis | Variants: debug, proj4, proj5, proj6, proj7, universalSpatial extensions for SQLite 3
Version: 5.1.0 | Maintained by: nilason | Categories: databases gis | Variants: debug, debugoptimized, proj6, proj7, proj8, proj9, universalVariety of CLI tools for SpatiaLite DB
Version: 5.1.0 | Maintained by: nilason | Categories: databases gis | Variants: readline, proj6, proj7, proj8, proj9, universal