A very fast network logon cracker which support many services
Version: 9.5 | Maintained by: i0ntempest | Categories: net security | Variants: xhydra, postgresql96, postgresql12, postgresql13, postgresql14, mysql57, mariadb, smb2, subversion, universalInterface to SQL databases, currently only postgresql using libpq.
Version: 2.4.4 | Maintained by: Schamschula | Categories: science math octave | Variants: postgresql83, postgresql84, postgresql90, postgresql91, postgresql92, postgresql93, postgresql94, postgresql95, postgresql96, postgresql10, postgresql11, postgresql12, postgresql13, postgresql14, postgresql15, postgresql16, universalAn administration program to PostgreSQL
Version: 1.22.2 | Maintained by: | Categories: aqua | Variants: postgresql91, postgresql92, postgresql93, postgresql94, postgresql95, postgresql96, debugPostGIS is the spatial extension to the PostGreSQL database.
Version: 2.5.5 | Maintained by: Veence | Categories: databases gis | Variants: postgresql12, postgresql11, postgresql10, postgresql93, postgresql94, postgresql95, postgresql96, raster, topology, sfcgal, gui, proj7, comments, universalOfficial ODBC driver for the PostgreSQL database.
Version: 16.00.0000 | Maintained by: | Categories: databases | Variants: iodbc, unixodbc, postgresql82, postgresql83, postgresql84, postgresql90, postgresql91, postgresql92, postgresql93, postgresql94, postgresql95, postgresql96, postgresql10, postgresql11, postgresql12, postgresql13, postgresql14, postgresql15, postgresql16, universalSphinx is a full-text search engine
Version: 2.2.11 | Maintained by: | Categories: net textproc | Variants: postgresql92, postgresql93, postgresql94, postgresql95, postgresql96, mysql51, mysql55, postgresql91, mysql56, mysql57, mariadb, percona, universalA time-series database that integrates with PostreSQL.
Version: 1.7.5 | Maintained by: blair | Categories: databases | Variants: postgresql11, postgresql96, postgresql10, postgresql12, universal