ejabberd is an XMPP application server.
Version: 24.02 | Maintained by: ci42 | Categories: net | Variants: odbcThe Erlang Programming Language
Version: 27.2 | Maintained by: ci42 | Categories: lang erlang | Variants: wxwidgets, ssl, odbcA set of libraries for Unix and Linux that allows your programs to natively talk to Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase databases
Version: 1.4.26 | Maintained by: ryandesign | Categories: databases | Variants: mssql, odbc, iodbc, universalGDAL - Geospatial Data Abstraction Library
Version: 3.10.2 | Maintained by: nilason, Veence | Categories: gis | Variants: debug, arrow, cfitsio, cryptopp, ecw, hdf4, hdf5, heif, jpegxl, kea, libarchive, lto, lzma, mrsid, mysql57, mysql8, native, netcdf, odbc, opencl, openexr, openjpeg, rasterlite2, tiledb, postgresql12, postgresql13, postgresql14, postgresql15, postgresql16, xerces, universalGNU Linear Programming Kit
Version: 5.0 | Maintained by: | Categories: lang math | Variants: odbc, iodbc, mysql56, mysql8, universaldynamic programming language
Version: 7.6.112 | Maintained by: | Categories: lang | Variants: image, ttf, pcre, gdbm, mysql, odbc, gtk, opengl, sane, sdl, svg, docPOCO C++ Libraries
Version: 1.12.4 | Maintained by: arjanvandervelde | Categories: devel | Variants: debug, odbc, mongodb, mysql, sqlite, universalQt Tool Kit
Version: 4.8.7 | Maintained by: michaelld | Categories: aqua | Variants: odbc, raster, demos, examples, debug, openvg, cxx11, universalROOT is a data analysis framework from CERN
Version: 5.34.37 | Maintained by: cjones051073 | Categories: science | Variants: http, vc, debug, xrootd, soversion, graphviz, avahi, fftw3, gsl, fitsio, odbc, ldap, roofit, tmva, minuit2, opengl, python27, python35, python36, python37, ssl, xml, sqlite3, mysql, mysql51, mysql55, mysql56, mariadb, percona, postgresql90, postgresql92, pythia, cocoa, x11, clang50, qt_mac, gcc49, gcc5, gcc6, gcc7, gcc8, gcc9ROOT is a data analysis framework from CERN
Version: 6.34.04 | Maintained by: cjones051073 | Categories: science | Variants: debug, gcc10, gcc11, gcc12, gcc13, gcc14, gccdevel, native, qt4, veccore, valgrind, vc, xrootd, graphviz, fftw3, fitsio, odbc, roofit, tmva, opengl, python39, python310, python311, python312, jupyter, davix, xml, sqlite3, mysql, mariadb, percona, postgresql, pythia, cocoa, x11Shibboleth Native Service Provider
Version: 3.4.1 | Maintained by: nerdling, scantor | Categories: security www shibboleth | Variants: odbc, universalSOCI - The C++ Database Access Library
Version: 4.0.3 | Maintained by: | Categories: devel databases | Variants: debug, boost, mysql5, odbc, oracle, postgresql16, sqlite3, universal