GDAL - Geospatial Data Abstraction Library
Version: 3.10.2 | Maintained by: nilason, Veence | Categories: gis | Variants: debug, arrow, cfitsio, cryptopp, ecw, hdf4, hdf5, heif, jpegxl, kea, libarchive, lto, lzma, mrsid, mysql57, mysql8, native, netcdf, odbc, opencl, openexr, openjpeg, rasterlite2, tiledb, postgresql12, postgresql13, postgresql14, postgresql15, postgresql16, xerces, universalmpv is a movie player based on MPlayer and mplayer2.
Version: 0.39.0 | Maintained by: Ionic, i0ntempest | Categories: multimedia | Variants: python39, python310, python311, python312, python313, python38, screenshot, network, network_ytdlp, bluray, dvd, audiocd, libarchive, rubberband, vapoursynth, pulseaudio, jack, openal, x11, opengl, vulkan, caca, osd, debug, printable_doc, uchardet, libmpv, bundlempv is a movie player based on MPlayer and mplayer2.
Version: 0.36.0 | Maintained by: barracuda156 | Categories: multimedia | Variants: python38, python39, python310, python311, python37, bundle, coreaudio, screenshot, network, ytdlp, bluray, dvd, audiocd, libarchive, rubberband, pulseaudio, jack, openal, x11, opengl, sdl2, caca, osd, debug, printable_doc, uchardet, libmpv