spot (science/spot) Updated: 9 months ago Add to my watchlist

Spot is an object-oriented model checking library written in C++.
Version: 2.11.6 License: GPL-3 GitHub

206 build(s) found

Page 3 of 3 | Showing build(s) 201 to 206

Builder Build Number Start Time Elapsed Time Watcher Build Status
10.10 83078 2019-03-24 6:40:01 0:39:32 23160 build successful
10.14 27151 2019-03-24 5:02:27 0:30:08 4795 build successful
10.11 82593 2019-03-24 2:33:17 0:19:41 23114 build successful
10.9 85125 2019-03-24 0:18:07 0:25:09 23109 build successful
10.5_ppc 87130 2018-12-11 16:11:10 0:00:32 19884 failed install-dependencies
10.5_ppc 86562 2018-12-05 21:29:57 0:00:33 19741 failed install-dependencies