Allow keyword access to array instances. arrayfields works by adding only a few methods to arrays, namely #fields= and fields, but the #fields= method is hooked to extend an array on a per object basis. In other words, only those arrays whose fields are set will have auto-magical keyword access bestowed on them - all other arrays remain unaffected. Arrays with keyword access require much less memory when compared to hashes/objects and yet still provide fast lookup and preserve data order.
Allow keyword access to array instances. arrayfields works by adding only a few methods to arrays, namely #fields= and fields, but the #fields= method is hooked to extend an array on a per object basis. In other words, only those arrays whose fields are set will have auto-magical keyword access bestowed on them - all other arrays remain unaffected. Arrays with keyword access require much less memory when compared to hashes/objects and yet still provide fast lookup and preserve data order.
To install rb19-arrayfields, run the following command in macOS terminal (Applications->Utilities->Terminal)
sudo port install rb19-arrayfields
To see what files were installed by rb19-arrayfields, run:
port contents rb19-arrayfields
To later upgrade rb19-arrayfields, run:
sudo port selfupdate && sudo port upgrade rb19-arrayfields
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