This class enables an object to broadcast a notification that an event occurred to other objects, without having any knowledge of the objects that it is broadcasting to. An object posts a notification (identified by a string and possibly an associated object) to a NotificationCenter (generally the default one). The NotificationCenter then takes care of sending the notification to all of the objects that have registered to receive it.
This class enables an object to broadcast a notification that an event occurred to other objects, without having any knowledge of the objects that it is broadcasting to. An object posts a notification (identified by a string and possibly an associated object) to a NotificationCenter (generally the default one). The NotificationCenter then takes care of sending the notification to all of the objects that have registered to receive it.
To install rb-notificationcenter, run the following command in macOS terminal (Applications->Utilities->Terminal)
sudo port install rb-notificationcenter
To see what files were installed by rb-notificationcenter, run:
port contents rb-notificationcenter
To later upgrade rb-notificationcenter, run:
sudo port selfupdate && sudo port upgrade rb-notificationcenter
Reporting an issue on MacPorts Trac
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Though anyone may search Trac for tickets, you must have a GitHub account in order to login to Trac to create tickets.