Python cross-version byte-code disassembler and marshal routines
The Python `dis` module allows you to disassemble bytecode from the same version of Python that you are running on. This package can marshal load Python bytecodes from different versions of Python. The command-line routine *pydisasm* will show disassembly output using the most modern Python disassembly conventions in a variety of user-specified formats. Some of these formats like ``extended`` and ``extended-format`` are the most advanced of any Python disassembler.
The Python `dis` module allows you to disassemble bytecode from the same version of Python that you are running on. This package can marshal load Python bytecodes from different versions of Python. The command-line routine *pydisasm* will show disassembly output using the most modern Python disassembly conventions in a variety of user-specified formats. Some of these formats like ``extended`` and ``extended-format`` are the most advanced of any Python disassembler.
To install py313-xdis, run the following command in macOS terminal (Applications->Utilities->Terminal)
sudo port install py313-xdis
To see what files were installed by py313-xdis, run:
port contents py313-xdis
To later upgrade py313-xdis, run:
sudo port selfupdate && sudo port upgrade py313-xdis
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