
v 5.3.5 Updated: 1 year, 1 month ago

There are various mesh formats available for representing unstructured meshes.

There are various mesh formats available for representing unstructured meshes. meshio can read and write all of the following and smoothly converts between them: Abaqus, ANSYS msh, AVS-UCD, CGNS, DOLFIN XML, Exodus, FLAC3D, H5M, Kratos/MDPA, Medit, MED/Salome, Nastran (bulk data), Neuroglancer precomputed format, Gmsh (format versions 2.2, 4.0, and 4.1), OBJ, OFF, PERMAS, PLY, STL, Tecplot .dat, TetGen .node/.ele, SVG (2D only, output only), SU2, UGRID, VTK, VTU, WKT (TIN), XDMF.

To install py312-meshio, paste this in macOS terminal after installing MacPorts

sudo port install py312-meshio

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