
v 0.2.0 Updated: 3 months ago

Read and write image metadata on macOS from Python using the native ImageIO / Core Graphics frameworks.

Read and write image metadata on macOS from Python using the native ImageIO / Core Graphics frameworks. CGMetadata is a Python wrapper around the macOS ImageIO and Core Graphics frameworks. It provides a simple interface for reading and writing image metadata, including EXIF, IPTC, and XMP data. Reading is supported for all image formats supported by ImageIO. Reading is also supported for video formats using AVFoundation. Writing is not currently supported for RAW file formats nor for video formats. Writing of metadata has been tested on JPEG, PNG, TIFF, and HEIC files however it should be considered experimental. If you are using CGMetadata to write metadata to image files, please make sure you have tested the results before using it in production.

To install py312-cgmetadata, paste this in macOS terminal after installing MacPorts

sudo port install py312-cgmetadata

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