py27-mpld3 (python/py-mpld3) Add to my watchlist

MPLD3 offer an interactive, D3-based viewer for Matplotlib

The MPLD3 packages is an interactive D3js-based viewer which brings matplotlib graphics to the browser. It provides a custom stand-alone javascript library built on D3, which parses JSON representations of plots. a set of routines parses matplotlib plots and outputs the JSON description readable by mpld3.js.

Version: 0.3 License: BSD

4 build(s) found
Builder Build Number Start Time Elapsed Time Watcher Build Status
12.arm64 39868 2022-01-21 5:23:44 0:00:37 3881 build successful
12.arm64 28083 2021-11-25 2:56:01 0:00:21 1572 failed install-dependencies
11 17412 2021-01-26 5:50:35 0:06:03 2298 build successful
10.15 6063 2019-11-24 3:10:32 0:05:28 875 build successful