Pure-FTPd is a fast, production-quality, standard-conformant FTP (SSL/TLS) server, based upon Troll-FTPd.
Pure-FTPd has been designed to be secure in default configuration; it has no known vulnerabilities. Features include: virtual domains, built-in 'ls', anti-warez system, configurable ports for passive downloads, FXP protocol, bandwidth throttling, ratios, LDAP / MySQL / PostgreSQL-based authentication, fortune files, Apache-like log files, text / HTML / XML real-time status report, virtual users, virtual quotas, privilege separation, SSL/TLS and more.
Pure-FTPd has been designed to be secure in default configuration; it has no known vulnerabilities. Features include: virtual domains, built-in 'ls', anti-warez system, configurable ports for passive downloads, FXP protocol, bandwidth throttling, ratios, LDAP / MySQL / PostgreSQL-based authentication, fortune files, Apache-like log files, text / HTML / XML real-time status report, virtual users, virtual quotas, privilege separation, SSL/TLS and more.
To install pure-ftpd, run the following command in macOS terminal (Applications->Utilities->Terminal)
sudo port install pure-ftpd
To see what files were installed by pure-ftpd, run:
port contents pure-ftpd
To later upgrade pure-ftpd, run:
sudo port selfupdate && sudo port upgrade pure-ftpd
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Though anyone may search Trac for tickets, you must have a GitHub account in order to login to Trac to create tickets.