profanity (net/profanity) Updated: 1 year, 7 months ago Add to my watchlist

A console-based XMPP client written in C using ncurses

Profanity is a console based XMPP client written in C using ncurses and libstrophe, inspired by Irssi.

Version: 0.13.1 License: (GPL-3+ or OpenSSLException) GitHub

102 build(s) found

Page 2 of 2 | Showing build(s) 101 to 102

Builder Build Number Start Time Elapsed Time Watcher Build Status
10.5_ppc 91432 2019-01-24 18:10:36 0:21:18 20806 build successful
10.5_ppc 91057 2019-01-19 1:17:58 0:25:19 20730 build successful