php81-event (php/php-event) Updated: 4 months, 1 week ago Add to my watchlist

efficiently schedule I/O, time and signal based events

PECL extension to efficiently schedule I/O, time and signal based events using libevent.

Version: 3.1.3 License: PHP-3.01 GitHub

103 build(s) found

Page 2 of 2 | Showing build(s) 101 to 103

Builder Build Number Start Time Elapsed Time Watcher Build Status
10.13 131204 2021-11-26 3:37:13 0:02:55 43101 build successful
10.10 163420 2021-11-26 3:37:13 0:02:51 52225 build successful
10.9 168105 2021-11-26 3:36:02 0:02:25 51910 build successful