This port is obsolete. It has been replaced by p5.28-inline-python.
p5-inline-python (perl/p5-inline-python) Add to my watchlist
Write inline python in perl scriptsThe Inline::Python module allows you to put Python source code directly inline in a Perl script or module. It sets up an in-process Python interpreter, runs your code, and then examines Python's symbol table for things to bind to Perl. The process of interrogating the Python interpreter for globals only occurs the first time you run your Python code. The namespace is cached, and subsequent calls use the cached version.
Version: 0.560.0 License: (Artistic-1 or GPL) GitHubNo build history is available for that selection right now.
This does not mean that there is anything wrong with builds. It is just that the app does not have any records in its database. It may be caused by a failure to fetch the history in time.