p5-inline-files (perl/p5-inline-files) Add to my watchlist

Inline::Files - Multiple virtual files at the end of your code

Inline::Files generalizes the notion of the __DATA__ marker and the associated <DATA> filehandle, to an arbitrary number of markers and associated filehandles.

Version: 0.710.0 License: (Artistic-1 or GPL) GitHub

6 build(s) found
Builder Build Number Start Time Elapsed Time Watcher Build Status
10.12 88415 2019-04-02 5:31:13 0:02:42 22347 build successful
10.14 27733 2019-04-02 5:18:47 0:02:36 5036 build successful
10.10 83672 2019-04-02 5:18:47 0:02:52 23401 build successful
10.13 53686 2019-04-02 5:16:19 0:02:12 14322 build successful
10.11 83176 2019-04-02 5:12:21 0:01:47 23353 build successful
10.9 85714 2019-04-02 5:05:15 0:01:43 23347 build successful