librsvg (graphics/librsvg) Updated: 11 months, 1 week ago Add to my watchlist

GNOME implementation of rsvg.
Version: 2.56.3 License: (GPL-2+ or LGPL-2+) GitHub

309 build(s) found

Page 4 of 4 | Showing build(s) 301 to 309

Builder Build Number Start Time Elapsed Time Watcher Build Status
10.11 79691 2019-02-18 0:25:53 0:15:01 22176 build successful
10.13 50211 2019-02-18 0:24:51 0:16:25 13145 build successful
10.14 24143 2019-02-18 0:23:22 0:12:04 3854 build successful
10.13 49341 2019-02-10 7:25:21 0:15:56 12927 build successful
10.12 84194 2019-02-10 7:24:51 0:15:45 20951 build successful
10.14 23263 2019-02-10 7:24:23 0:11:16 3636 build successful
10.11 78815 2019-02-10 7:23:47 0:14:53 21958 build successful
10.5_ppc 90515 2019-01-14 23:26:35 0:11:48 20601 build successful
10.5_ppc 86443 2018-12-04 10:39:57 0:10:58 19701 build successful