
v 3.0.3 Updated: 2 years, 2 months ago

Download and update local authorized_keys file with GitHub, GitLab, or Launchpad.

Download and update local authorized_keys file with GitHub, GitLab, or Launchpad. keysync is a command line utility and service to help keep your local authorized_keys file synced to a master copy of public keys. The program allows syncing from Github, GitLab, Launchpad at the moment. It downloads and filters only keys that you don't already have a local copy of. This application can be used for either as one time sync when run, or running automatically in the background as a systemd service. You can have the file it updated at a preset interval or a custom cron expression, you can even support multiple users and providers.

To install keysync, paste this in macOS terminal after installing MacPorts

sudo port install keysync

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