itsol (math/itsol) Add to my watchlist

ITerative SOLvers for sparse linear systems.

ITSOL is a library of iterative solvers for general sparse linear systems of equations. ITSOL can be viewed as an extension of the itsol module in SPARSKIT. It is written in C and offers a selection of recently developed preconditioners. The preconditioner suite includes: ILUK (ILU preconditioner with level of fill), ILUT (ILU preconditioner with threshold), ILUC (Crout version of ILUT), VBILUK (variable block preconditioner with level of fill - with automatic block detection), VBILUT (variable block preconditioner with threshold - with automatic block detection), ARMS (Algebraic Recursive Multilevel Solvers -- includes actually several methods, in particular the standard ARMS and the ddPQ version which uses nonsymmetric permutations). Note that ITSOL is a scalar package.

Version: 2.0 License: GPL-2+ GitHub
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