inkscape (graphics/inkscape) Updated: 6 months ago Add to my watchlist

This is the current stable release version of Inkscape.

Inkscape is an multi-platform, Open-Source Vector Graphics Editor that uses SVG as its native file format. This is the current stable release version of Inkscape.

Version: 1.3.2 License: GPL-3+ GitHub
Maintainers mascguy
Categories graphics gnome
Platforms darwin
  • debug (Enable debug binaries)
  • quartz (Enable native macOS graphics support)
  • universal (Build for multiple architectures)
  • x11 (Enable X11 support)

"inkscape" depends on

lib (32)
build (7)
extract (1)
run (5)

Ports that depend on "inkscape"

Port notes

Install port 'inkscape-app', to create a macOS app launcher.

Port Health:

Loading Port Health

Installations (30 days)


Requested Installations (30 days)


Livecheck results

inkscape seems to have been updated (port version: 1.3.2, new version: 1.4)

livecheck ran: an hour ago