girara (devel/girara) Updated: 6 days, 21 hours ago Add to my watchlist
Cross-platform widget toolkit based on GTK+girara is a library that implements a user interface that focuses on simplicity and minimalism. Currently based on GTK+, a cross-platform widget toolkit, it proves an interface that focueses on three main com- ponents: A so-called view widget that represents the actual application (e.g. a website (browser), an image (image viewer) or the document (document viewer)), an input bar that is used to execute commands of the application and the status bar which provides the user with current information.
Version: 0.4.5 License: zlib GitHubStatistics for selected duration
2025-Jan-10 to 2025-Feb-09
Total Installations | 8 |
Requested Installations | 3 |
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