committed (devel/committed) Updated: 10 months, 2 weeks ago Add to my watchlist

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407 build(s) found

Page 5 of 5 | Showing build(s) 401 to 407

Builder Build Number Start Time Elapsed Time Watcher Build Status
10.10 154279 2021-09-06 11:06:06 0:03:42 49105 failed install-port
10.9 158587 2021-09-06 6:44:46 0:07:54 48791 build successful
10.15 70484 2021-09-06 5:14:34 0:04:47 19685 build successful
10.13 122212 2021-09-06 5:10:05 0:10:26 39982 build successful
10.14 98720 2021-09-06 4:44:56 0:04:33 30692 build successful
10.12 157838 2021-09-06 4:33:53 0:11:05 48030 build successful
11.arm64 29000 2021-09-06 4:29:37 0:01:32 9687 build successful