codec2 (audio/codec2) Updated: 1 year, 5 months ago Add to my watchlist

Codec 2 is an open source speech codec designed for communications quality speech between 700 and 3200 bit/s

Codec 2 is an open source speech codec designed for communications quality speech between 700 and 3200 bit/s. The main application is low-bandwidth HF/VHF digital radio. It fills a gap in open source voice codecs beneath 5000 bit/s and is released under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL). Informal listening tests indicate that Codec 2 at 700 bits/s has better speech quality than MELP and is comparable to TWELP at 600 bit/s. The Codec 2 project also contains several modems (OFDM, FDMDV, COHPSK and mFSK) carefully designed for digital voice over HF radio.

Version: 1.2.0 License: LGPL-2.1 GitHub
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