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Octave bindings for Network Data Server Client
Version: 0.16.10 | Maintained by: | Categories: science octave | Variants: debug, universalAudio recording, processing, and playing tools.
Version: 2.0.9 | Maintained by: Schamschula | Categories: science math octave | Variants: universalPackage for solving Diffusion Advection Reaction (DAR) Partial Differential Equaltions based on the Finite Volume Scharfetter-Gummel (FVSG) method a.k.a Box Integration Method (BIM).
Version: 1.1.6 | Maintained by: Schamschula | Categories: science math octave | Variants:Bioinformatics manipulation.
Version: 0.2.2 | Maintained by: Schamschula | Categories: science math octave | Variants:The BSLTL package is a free collection of OCTAVE/MATLAB routines for working with the biospeckle laser technique.
Version: 1.3.1 | Maintained by: Schamschula | Categories: science math octave | Variants:I/O routines to read and write FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) files.
Version: 0.0.7 | Maintained by: Schamschula | Categories: science math octave | Variants: universalCommon Gateway Interface for Octave
Version: 0.1.2 | Maintained by: Schamschula | Categories: science math octave | Variants:Octave Coder is a code generator and build system that, given a function name translates the function and all of its dependencies to C++ and builds a .oct shared module.
Version: 1.9.2 | Maintained by: Schamschula | Categories: science math octave | Variants: universalDigital Communications, Error Correcting Codes (Channel Code), Source Code functions, Modulation and Galois Fields.
Version: 1.2.7 | Maintained by: Schamschula | Categories: science math octave | Variants: universalComputer-Aided Control System Design (CACSD) Tools for GNU Octave, based on the SLICOT Library.
Version: 4.1.1 | Maintained by: Schamschula | Categories: science math octave | Variants: g95, gcc10, gcc11, gcc12, gcc13, gcc14, gccdevel, universalAlgorithms for smoothing noisy data.
Version: 1.3.0 | Maintained by: Schamschula | Categories: science math octave | Variants:Interface to SQL databases, currently only postgresql using libpq.
Version: 2.4.4 | Maintained by: Schamschula | Categories: science math octave | Variants: postgresql83, postgresql84, postgresql90, postgresql91, postgresql92, postgresql93, postgresql94, postgresql95, postgresql96, postgresql10, postgresql11, postgresql12, postgresql13, postgresql14, postgresql15, postgresql16, universalData manipulation toolbox similar to R data.frame.
Version: 1.2.0 | Maintained by: Schamschula | Categories: science math octave | Variants:Digital communications in medicine (DICOM) file io.
Version: 0.6.1 | Maintained by: Schamschula | Categories: science math octave | Variants: universaldivand performs an n-dimensional variational analysis (interpolation) of arbitrarily located observations.
Version: 1.1.2 | Maintained by: Schamschula | Categories: science math octave | Variants:Create a function reference from Octave help texts (docstrings) from single functions or all functions in a package, which can be installed with pkg.
Version: 0.5.5 | Maintained by: Schamschula | Categories: science math octave | Variants:The Doctest package finds specially-formatted blocks of example code within documentation files.
Version: 0.8.0 | Maintained by: Schamschula | Categories: science math octave | Variants:Econometrics functions including MLE and GMM based techniques.
Version: 1.1.2 | Maintained by: Schamschula | Categories: science math octave | Variants: universalUse FEM for solving boundary value problems in two space dimensions.
Version: 2.1.7 | Maintained by: Schamschula | Categories: science math octave | Variants: universalI/O function for files holding structured data, such as JSON and XML files.
Version: 1.2.2 | Maintained by: Schamschula | Categories: science math octave | Variants:Page 1 of 5 | Showing port(s) 1 to 20