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Fast CSS-like map stylesheets
Version: 1.2.0 | Maintained by: frankdean | Categories: gis | Variants:Computational Geometry Algorithm Library
Version: 4.14.3 | Maintained by: Veence | Categories: science gis | Variants: debug, qt5, universalComputational Geometry Algorithm Library
Version: 5.6.1 | Maintained by: Veence | Categories: science gis | Variants: debugComputational Geometry Algorithm Library
Version: 6.0 | Maintained by: Veence | Categories: science gis | Variants: debug3D data compression
Version: 1.5.7 | Maintained by: nilason | Categories: graphics archivers gis | Variants: debug, universalGDAL - Geospatial Data Abstraction Library
Version: 3.10.2 | Maintained by: nilason, Veence | Categories: gis | Variants: debug, arrow, cfitsio, cryptopp, ecw, hdf4, hdf5, heif, jpegxl, kea, libarchive, lto, lzma, mrsid, mysql57, mysql8, native, netcdf, odbc, opencl, openexr, openjpeg, rasterlite2, tiledb, postgresql12, postgresql13, postgresql14, postgresql15, postgresql16, xerces, universalGRASS Drivers for GDAL and OGR
Version: 1.0.3 | Maintained by: nilason, Veence | Categories: gis | Variants: debug, universalGDAL - HDF4 driver
Version: 3.10.2 | Maintained by: nilason, Veence | Categories: gis | Variants: debug, universalGDAL - HDF5 driver
Version: 3.10.2 | Maintained by: nilason, Veence | Categories: gis | Variants: debug, universalGDAL - KEA driver
Version: 3.10.2 | Maintained by: nilason, Veence | Categories: gis | Variants: debug, universalGDAL - LIBKML driver
Version: 3.10.2 | Maintained by: nilason, Veence | Categories: gis | Variants: debug, universalGDAL - PDF driver
Version: 3.10.2 | Maintained by: nilason, Veence | Categories: gis | Variants: debug, universalLizardTech's SDK for reading MrSID and JPEG 2000 imagery
Version: | Maintained by: Veence | Categories: gis | Variants:Convert between coordinate systems for solving geodesic problems.
Version: 2.4 | Maintained by: lockhart | Categories: gis | Variants: debug, universalGEOS Geometry Engine - Open Source
Version: 3.13.1 | Maintained by: stromnov | Categories: science math gis | Variants: debug, universalGPS Photo Correlation
Version: 2.0 | Maintained by: sikmir | Categories: graphics gis | Variants:Program to show and manipulate GPS tracks
Version: 0.7.0 | Maintained by: sikmir | Categories: gis | Variants: debugGPS log file viewer and analyzer
Version: 13.37 | Maintained by: sikmir | Categories: graphics gis | Variants: debugGRASS Geographic Information System
Version: 8.4.1 | Maintained by: nilason | Categories: gis | Variants: debug, debugoptimized, gui, mysql57, mysql8, openblas, openmp, postgresql12, postgresql13, postgresql14, postgresql15, postgresql16, proj6, proj7, proj8, proj9, python39, python310, python311, python312, python313, universalGUI support to GRASS Geographic Information System
Version: 8.4.1 | Maintained by: nilason | Categories: gis | Variants: debug, debugoptimized, python39, python310, python311, python312, python313Page 1 of 19 | Showing port(s) 1 to 20