

Displays failed builds that have not been followed by successful builds. This will override the status filter.

2,747,892 build(s) found

Page 5 of 27,479 | Showing build(s) 401 to 500

Port Builder Build Number Start Time Elapsed Time Watcher Build Status
R-NetSwan 13.arm64 59803 2024-05-04 2:41:44 0:00:13 20616 build successful
R-Rdsdp 14 38080 2024-05-04 2:41:24 0:01:49 9056 build successful
R-MPsychoR 13.arm64 59802 2024-05-04 2:41:14 0:00:29 20616 build successful
R-monoreg 13.arm64 59801 2024-05-04 2:40:52 0:00:17 20616 build successful
R-lin.eval 13.arm64 59800 2024-05-04 2:40:37 0:00:14 20616 build successful
R-inferr 13.arm64 59799 2024-05-04 2:40:15 0:00:20 20616 build successful
R-RcppMeCab 14 38079 2024-05-04 2:39:47 0:01:35 9056 build successful
R-highcharter 13.arm64 59798 2024-05-04 2:39:31 0:00:43 20616 build successful
R-groupr 13.arm64 59797 2024-05-04 2:39:16 0:00:13 20616 build successful
R-ggnetwork 13.arm64 59796 2024-05-04 2:38:51 0:00:23 20616 build successful
R-lutz 14 38078 2024-05-04 2:38:22 0:01:23 9056 build successful
R-BayesQVGEL 13.arm64 59795 2024-05-04 2:37:25 0:01:24 20616 build successful
R-BayesMultiMode 13.arm64 59794 2024-05-04 2:36:29 0:00:54 20616 build successful
R-BNSP 14 38077 2024-05-04 2:36:00 0:02:20 9056 build successful
R-arfima 13.arm64 59793 2024-05-04 2:35:51 0:00:35 20616 build successful
R-svines 13.arm64 59792 2024-05-04 2:33:07 0:00:49 20615 build successful
R-sparseLTSEigen 13.arm64 59791 2024-05-04 2:32:37 0:00:29 20615 build successful
R-sparkline 13.arm64 59790 2024-05-04 2:32:19 0:00:17 20615 build successful
R-semfindr 13.arm64 59789 2024-05-04 2:31:55 0:00:22 20615 build successful
R-scio 13.arm64 59788 2024-05-04 2:31:18 0:00:35 20615 build successful
R-bayescount 14 38076 2024-05-04 2:30:27 0:05:31 9056 build successful
R-rvinecopulib 13.arm64 59787 2024-05-04 2:30:18 0:00:58 20615 build successful
R-nlsem 13.arm64 59786 2024-05-04 2:30:03 0:00:13 20615 build successful
R-lazyarray 13.arm64 59785 2024-05-04 2:29:20 0:00:40 20615 build successful
R-IndGenErrors 13.arm64 59784 2024-05-04 2:29:02 0:00:16 20615 build successful
R-GPFDA 13.arm64 59783 2024-05-04 2:27:55 0:01:06 20615 build successful
R-geos 13.arm64 59782 2024-05-04 2:27:39 0:00:14 20615 build successful
R-libgeos 13.arm64 59781 2024-05-04 2:24:32 0:03:04 20615 build successful
R-gamair 13.arm64 59780 2024-05-04 2:24:13 0:00:18 20615 build successful
R-constants 13.arm64 59779 2024-05-04 2:24:00 0:00:12 20615 build successful
R-bzinb 13.arm64 59778 2024-05-04 2:23:29 0:00:28 20615 build successful
R-singR 13.arm64 59777 2024-05-04 2:19:37 0:00:56 20614 build successful
R-sageR 13.arm64 59776 2024-05-04 2:18:34 0:01:00 20614 build successful
R-rmargint 13.arm64 59775 2024-05-04 2:18:19 0:00:13 20614 build successful
R-RandVar 13.arm64 59774 2024-05-04 2:17:57 0:00:20 20614 build successful
R-palr 13.arm64 59773 2024-05-04 2:17:45 0:00:11 20614 build successful
R-momentchi2 13.arm64 59772 2024-05-04 2:17:32 0:00:12 20614 build successful
R-lolR 13.arm64 59771 2024-05-04 2:17:05 0:00:26 20614 build successful
R-ggpolypath 13.arm64 59770 2024-05-04 2:16:49 0:00:14 20614 build successful
R-ggpmisc 13.arm64 59769 2024-05-04 2:16:16 0:00:32 20614 build successful
R-splus2R 13.arm64 59768 2024-05-04 2:16:02 0:00:13 20614 build successful
R-lmodel2 13.arm64 59767 2024-05-04 2:15:48 0:00:13 20614 build successful
R-ggpp 13.arm64 59766 2024-05-04 2:15:13 0:00:33 20614 build successful
R-gamboostLSS 13.arm64 59765 2024-05-04 2:14:47 0:00:24 20614 build successful
R-ftExtra 13.arm64 59764 2024-05-04 2:14:24 0:00:22 20614 build successful
R-foghorn 13.arm64 59763 2024-05-04 2:14:08 0:00:15 20614 build successful
R-confintr 13.arm64 59762 2024-05-04 2:13:55 0:00:12 20614 build successful
R-colorDF 13.arm64 59761 2024-05-04 2:13:39 0:00:14 20614 build successful
R-clustComp 13.arm64 59760 2024-05-04 2:13:18 0:00:20 20614 build successful
R-cbq 13.arm64 59759 2024-05-04 2:08:06 0:05:09 20614 build successful
R-carfima 13.arm64 59758 2024-05-04 2:07:51 0:00:14 20614 build successful
R-CARBayesdata 13.arm64 59757 2024-05-04 2:07:27 0:00:22 20614 build successful
R-braggR 13.arm64 59756 2024-05-04 2:06:19 0:01:05 20614 build successful
codeblocks-devel 14 38075 2024-05-04 2:00:43 0:27:02 9055 build successful
R-spNNGP 14 38074 2024-05-04 1:58:35 0:00:47 9054 build successful
codeblocks-devel 13.arm64 59755 2024-05-04 1:57:24 0:06:27 20613 build successful
R-sommer 14 38073 2024-05-04 1:57:08 0:01:25 9054 build successful
R-VarianceGamma 13.arm64 59754 2024-05-04 1:55:46 0:00:13 20612 build successful
R-sumR 13.arm64 59753 2024-05-04 1:55:30 0:00:14 20612 build successful
R-lmm 14 38072 2024-05-04 1:55:24 0:01:40 9054 build successful
R-sphunif 13.arm64 59752 2024-05-04 1:54:08 0:01:18 20612 build successful
R-SeBR 13.arm64 59751 2024-05-04 1:53:35 0:00:30 20612 build successful
R-lfmm 14 38071 2024-05-04 1:53:00 0:02:22 9054 build successful
R-scam 13.arm64 59750 2024-05-04 1:52:51 0:00:41 20612 build successful
R-readsdmx 13.arm64 59749 2024-05-04 1:52:33 0:00:16 20612 build successful
R-gpg 14 38070 2024-05-04 1:51:47 0:01:10 9054 build successful
R-PlaneGeometry 13.arm64 59748 2024-05-04 1:51:42 0:00:49 20612 build successful
R-sdpt3r 13.arm64 59747 2024-05-04 1:51:14 0:00:27 20612 build successful
R-phylopath 13.arm64 59746 2024-05-04 1:50:45 0:00:28 20612 build successful
R-dtts 14 38069 2024-05-04 1:50:36 0:01:08 9054 build successful
R-phylolm 13.arm64 59745 2024-05-04 1:50:29 0:00:15 20612 build successful
R-neighbr 13.arm64 59744 2024-05-04 1:50:15 0:00:12 20612 build successful
R-mexhaz 13.arm64 59743 2024-05-04 1:49:42 0:00:30 20612 build successful
R-gratis 13.arm64 59742 2024-05-04 1:49:00 0:00:41 20612 build successful
R-googleComputeEngineR 13.arm64 59741 2024-05-04 1:48:34 0:00:23 20612 build successful
R-FuzzyResampling 13.arm64 59740 2024-05-04 1:48:15 0:00:17 20612 build successful
R-feasts 13.arm64 59739 2024-05-04 1:47:45 0:00:28 20612 build successful
codeblocks-devel 10.6 166166 2024-05-04 1:47:26 1:31:11 58289 build successful
R-EMCluster 13.arm64 59738 2024-05-04 1:47:07 0:00:37 20612 build successful
codeblocks-devel 10.6.x86_64 201772 2024-05-04 1:46:57 1:30:21 58329 build successful
R-BiocStyle 13.arm64 59737 2024-05-04 1:46:49 0:00:16 20612 build successful
R-bayesanova 13.arm64 59736 2024-05-04 1:46:29 0:00:18 20612 build successful
R-robStepSplitReg 14 38068 2024-05-04 1:45:40 0:02:48 9053 build successful
R-RestRserve 14 38067 2024-05-04 1:44:30 0:01:07 9053 build successful
R-xdcclarge 13.arm64 59735 2024-05-04 1:43:53 0:00:38 20611 build successful
R-WLogit 13.arm64 59734 2024-05-04 1:43:23 0:00:29 20611 build successful
R-Rserve 14 38066 2024-05-04 1:43:12 0:01:16 9053 build successful
R-timbr 13.arm64 59733 2024-05-04 1:43:05 0:00:16 20611 build successful
R-SurveyCC 13.arm64 59732 2024-05-04 1:42:42 0:00:22 20611 build successful
R-rebmix 14 38065 2024-05-04 1:42:18 0:00:51 9053 build successful
R-splines2 13.arm64 59731 2024-05-04 1:42:03 0:00:37 20611 build successful
R-restriktor 13.arm64 59730 2024-05-04 1:41:39 0:00:23 20611 build successful
R-mcga 14 38064 2024-05-04 1:41:31 0:00:44 9053 build successful
R-readsparse 13.arm64 59729 2024-05-04 1:41:18 0:00:19 20611 build successful
R-psd 13.arm64 59728 2024-05-04 1:40:34 0:00:43 20611 build successful
R-invgamstochvol 14 38063 2024-05-04 1:40:29 0:01:00 9053 build successful
R-ODRF 13.arm64 59727 2024-05-04 1:40:08 0:00:25 20611 build successful
R-Pursuit 13.arm64 59726 2024-05-04 1:39:55 0:00:12 20611 build successful
R-mispr 13.arm64 59725 2024-05-04 1:39:40 0:00:13 20611 build successful
R-lumberjack 13.arm64 59724 2024-05-04 1:39:25 0:00:13 20611 build successful
2,747,892 build(s) found

Page 5 of 27,479 | Showing build(s) 401 to 500