

Displays failed builds that have not been followed by successful builds. This will override the status filter.

2,770,879 build(s) found

Page 15 of 27,709 | Showing build(s) 1,401 to 1,500

Port Builder Build Number Start Time Elapsed Time Watcher Build Status
R-groHMM 13 69365 2024-05-09 5:19:02 0:00:39 20941 failed install-dependencies
R-bib2df 11 156227 2024-05-09 5:19:02 0:01:45 46390 build successful
R-graph 13 69364 2024-05-09 5:18:05 0:00:51 20941 build successful
R-BayesLogit 11 156226 2024-05-09 5:18:03 0:00:58 46390 build successful
R-eff2 10.14 208631 2024-05-09 5:18:00 0:01:29 67459 build successful
R-ebal 10.14 208630 2024-05-09 5:17:29 0:00:30 67459 build successful
R-abseil 11 156225 2024-05-09 5:17:00 0:01:01 46390 build successful
R-GenomicFeatures 13 69363 2024-05-09 5:16:53 0:01:11 20941 failed install-dependencies
R-genefilter 13 69362 2024-05-09 5:13:52 0:02:59 20941 build successful
R-crs 10.14 208629 2024-05-09 5:11:07 0:06:20 67459 build successful
R-xtensor 11 156224 2024-05-09 5:10:51 0:02:27 46389 build successful
R-CoImp 10.14 208628 2024-05-09 5:10:14 0:00:52 67459 build successful
R-TeXCheckR 11 156223 2024-05-09 5:09:38 0:01:11 46389 build successful
R-CIfinder 10.14 208627 2024-05-09 5:09:04 0:01:08 67459 build successful
R-silicate 11 156222 2024-05-09 5:08:29 0:01:08 46389 build successful
R-gdsfmt 13 69361 2024-05-09 5:08:27 0:05:22 20941 build successful
R-ratesci 10.14 208626 2024-05-09 5:08:07 0:00:55 67459 build successful
R-unjoin 11 156221 2024-05-09 5:07:28 0:00:59 46389 build successful
R-rWishart 11 156220 2024-05-09 5:06:29 0:00:58 46389 build successful
R-fmcsR 13 69360 2024-05-09 5:05:30 0:02:55 20941 build successful
R-roughnet 11 156219 2024-05-09 5:05:19 0:01:08 46389 build successful
R-RcppJagger 11 156218 2024-05-09 5:03:58 0:01:21 46389 build successful
R-bayesZIB 10.14 208625 2024-05-09 5:03:28 0:04:37 67459 build successful
R-EnrichedHeatmap 13 69359 2024-05-09 5:03:15 0:02:13 20941 build successful
R-EBImage 13 69358 2024-05-09 5:01:53 0:01:19 20941 build successful
R-poweRlaw 11 156217 2024-05-09 5:01:41 0:02:15 46389 build successful
R-fftwtools 13 69357 2024-05-09 5:00:59 0:00:52 20941 build successful
R-DNAcopy 13 69356 2024-05-09 4:59:27 0:01:30 20941 build successful
R-DirichletMultinomial 13 69355 2024-05-09 4:58:37 0:00:48 20941 build successful
R-DESeq2 13 69354 2024-05-09 4:57:51 0:00:45 20941 failed install-dependencies
R-DelayedRandomArray 13 69353 2024-05-09 4:57:22 0:00:27 20941 failed install-dependencies
R-modeltime 11 156216 2024-05-09 4:57:08 0:04:31 46389 build successful
R-DelayedMatrixStats 13 69352 2024-05-09 4:56:51 0:00:30 20941 failed install-dependencies
R-modelbpp 11 156215 2024-05-09 4:56:04 0:01:01 46389 build successful
R-statsExpressions 10.14 208624 2024-05-09 4:55:57 0:02:59 67458 build successful
R-shinySelect 10.14 208623 2024-05-09 4:55:16 0:00:40 67458 build successful
R-ltmle 11 156214 2024-05-09 4:55:10 0:00:53 46389 build successful
R-DECIPHER 13 69351 2024-05-09 4:54:22 0:02:26 20941 build successful
R-jsontools 11 156213 2024-05-09 4:54:07 0:01:01 46389 build successful
R-Rsomoclu 10.14 208622 2024-05-09 4:53:49 0:01:25 67458 build successful
R-csaw 13 69350 2024-05-09 4:53:39 0:00:41 20941 failed install-dependencies
R-HWEintrinsic 11 156212 2024-05-09 4:53:13 0:00:52 46389 build successful
R-metapod 13 69349 2024-05-09 4:52:16 0:01:21 20941 build successful
R-ggdark 11 156211 2024-05-09 4:52:07 0:01:05 46389 build successful
R-rkeops 10.14 208621 2024-05-09 4:51:34 0:02:13 67458 build successful
R-evdbayes 11 156210 2024-05-09 4:51:07 0:00:59 46389 build successful
R-rDEA 10.14 208620 2024-05-09 4:50:53 0:00:40 67458 build successful
R-Q7 10.14 208619 2024-05-09 4:50:24 0:00:29 67458 build successful
R-poistweedie 10.14 208618 2024-05-09 4:49:40 0:00:42 67458 build successful
R-emayili 11 156209 2024-05-09 4:49:36 0:01:30 46389 build successful
R-edgeR 13 69348 2024-05-09 4:48:22 0:03:53 20941 build successful
R-bread 11 156208 2024-05-09 4:48:17 0:01:17 46389 build successful
R-odeintr 10.14 208617 2024-05-09 4:47:32 0:02:07 67458 build successful
R-limma 13 69347 2024-05-09 4:46:42 0:01:38 20941 build successful
R-bnmonitor 11 156207 2024-05-09 4:45:18 0:02:57 46389 build successful
R-moveHMM 10.14 208616 2024-05-09 4:45:04 0:02:26 67458 build successful
R-BlakerCI 11 156206 2024-05-09 4:44:28 0:00:49 46389 build successful
R-monomvn 10.14 208615 2024-05-09 4:44:11 0:00:52 67458 build successful
R-ChemmineR 13 69346 2024-05-09 4:43:51 0:02:49 20941 build successful
R-rsvg 13 69345 2024-05-09 4:42:27 0:01:22 20941 build successful
R-mlmmm 10.14 208614 2024-05-09 4:42:24 0:01:45 67458 build successful
R-betaBayes 11 156205 2024-05-09 4:41:10 0:03:16 46389 build successful
R-GPoM 10.14 208613 2024-05-09 4:41:10 0:01:13 67458 build successful
R-ggmap 10.14 208612 2024-05-09 4:40:00 0:01:06 67458 build successful
R-fence 10.14 208611 2024-05-09 4:38:48 0:01:11 67458 build successful
R-ChemmineOB 13 69344 2024-05-09 4:38:10 0:04:15 20941 build successful
R-BSgenome 13 69343 2024-05-09 4:37:45 0:00:24 20941 failed install-dependencies
R-rtracklayer 13 69342 2024-05-09 4:37:01 0:00:42 20941 failed install-dependencies
R-ZIPLL 11 156204 2024-05-09 4:36:44 0:00:56 46388 build successful
R-restfulr 13 69341 2024-05-09 4:36:24 0:00:36 20941 build successful
R-fabMix 10.14 208610 2024-05-09 4:35:52 0:02:53 67458 build successful
R-vizdraws 11 156203 2024-05-09 4:35:43 0:00:59 46388 build successful
R-GenomicAlignments 13 69340 2024-05-09 4:35:28 0:00:53 20941 failed install-dependencies
R-usedthese 11 156202 2024-05-09 4:34:19 0:01:22 46388 build successful
R-eglhmm 10.14 208609 2024-05-09 4:33:58 0:01:52 67458 build successful
R-cryptography 10.14 208608 2024-05-09 4:33:06 0:00:51 67458 build successful
R-uclust 11 156201 2024-05-09 4:33:04 0:01:13 46388 build successful
R-Rsamtools 13 69339 2024-05-09 4:32:59 0:02:27 20941 build successful
R-BSSasymp 10.14 208607 2024-05-09 4:32:20 0:00:44 67458 build successful
R-STAR 11 156200 2024-05-09 4:31:49 0:01:13 46388 build successful
R-Rhtslib 13 69338 2024-05-09 4:31:27 0:01:30 20941 build successful
R-Bivariate.Pareto 10.14 208606 2024-05-09 4:31:09 0:01:09 67458 build successful
R-bluster 13 69337 2024-05-09 4:29:12 0:02:12 20941 build successful
R-secure 11 156199 2024-05-09 4:28:36 0:03:11 46388 build successful
R-BiocSingular 13 69336 2024-05-09 4:28:31 0:00:40 20941 failed install-dependencies
R-bigsplines 10.14 208605 2024-05-09 4:28:23 0:02:44 67458 build successful
R-ScaledMatrix 13 69335 2024-05-09 4:27:53 0:00:37 20941 failed install-dependencies
R-rworkflows 11 156198 2024-05-09 4:26:24 0:02:10 46388 build successful
R-anyLib 10.14 208604 2024-05-09 4:26:15 0:02:06 67458 build successful
R-QRegVCM 11 156197 2024-05-09 4:25:12 0:01:09 46388 build successful
R-BiocNeighbors 13 69334 2024-05-09 4:24:23 0:03:28 20941 build successful
R-printr 11 156196 2024-05-09 4:24:06 0:01:03 46388 build successful
R-BiocParallel 13 69333 2024-05-09 4:22:34 0:01:48 20941 build successful
R-beachmat 13 69332 2024-05-09 4:22:01 0:00:32 20941 failed install-dependencies
R-apeglm 13 69331 2024-05-09 4:21:26 0:00:34 20941 failed install-dependencies
R-SummarizedExperiment 13 69330 2024-05-09 4:21:05 0:00:20 20941 failed install-dependencies
R-pcts 11 156195 2024-05-09 4:20:44 0:03:20 46388 build successful
R-DelayedArray 13 69329 2024-05-09 4:20:38 0:00:26 20941 failed install-dependencies
R-SparseArray 13 69328 2024-05-09 4:20:07 0:00:30 20941 failed install-port
R-vcr 10.14 208603 2024-05-09 4:18:56 0:01:19 67457 build successful
2,770,879 build(s) found

Page 15 of 27,709 | Showing build(s) 1,401 to 1,500