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Obsolete port, replaced by gr37-mac
Version: 20140919 | Maintained by: michaelld | Categories: science comms | Variants: debug, python38, python39, python310, docsObsolete port, replaced by gr37-mapper
Version: 20181023-2ea1eb68 | Maintained by: michaelld | Categories: science comms | Variants: debug, python38, python39, python310, docsObsolete port, replaced by gr37-ofdm
Version: 20180306 | Maintained by: michaelld | Categories: science comms | Variants: debug, python38, python39, python310, docsgr-osmosdr provides support for OsmoSDR hardware within GNU Radio
Version: 20210117-cffef690 | Maintained by: michaelld | Categories: science comms | Variants: debug, python38, python39, python310, docs, uhd, iio, hackrf, fcdproplus, rtlsdr, bladeRF, airspy, spyserver, redpitaya, rfspace, soapysdr, sdrplay, airspyhf, universalObsolete port, replaced by gr37-pcap
Version: 20170402 | Maintained by: michaelld | Categories: science comms | Variants: debug, python38, python39, python310, docsObsolete port, replaced by gr37-pyqt
Version: 20160712 | Maintained by: michaelld | Categories: science comms | Variants: debug, python38, python39, python310, docsProvides the Radio Data System (RDS) block for GNU Radio.
Version: 20201015-feaba5b1 | Maintained by: michaelld | Categories: science comms | Variants: debug, python38, python39, python310, docs, universalGNU Radio decoders for several Amateur satellites.
Version: 3.16.0 | Maintained by: ra1nb0w, michaelld | Categories: science comms | Variants: debug, python38, python39, python310, docs, universalObsolete port, replaced by gr37-sdrplay
Version: 20180717-d28ae3d3 | Maintained by: ra1nb0w, michaelld | Categories: science comms | Variants: debug, python38, python39, python310, docsProvides spectral estimation blocks for GNU Radio.
Version: 20191014-fe599836 | Maintained by: michaelld | Categories: science comms | Variants: debug, python38, python39, python310, docs, clang10, clang11, clang12, clang13, clang14, clang15, clang16, clang17, clang18, clang19, clang50, clang60, clang70, clang80, clang90, clangdevel, g95, gcc10, gcc11, gcc12, gcc13, gcc14, gccdevel, gfortran, accelerate, atlas, openblas, universalObsolete port, replaced by gr37-tdd
Version: 20190521-13ae75ea | Maintained by: michaelld | Categories: science comms | Variants: debug, python38, python39, python310, docsAdaptive filters for GNU Radio
Version: 20191021-4bbdde4c | Maintained by: ra1nb0w, michaelld | Categories: science comms | Variants: debug, python27, docs, qr, universalProvides augmented functionality (blocks, GRC definitions, apps, etc) for GNU Radio.
Version: 20170928 | Maintained by: michaelld | Categories: science comms | Variants: debug, python27, docs, universalProvides augmented functionality (blocks, GRC definitions, apps, etc) for GNU Radio.
Version: 20151220 | Maintained by: michaelld | Categories: science comms | Variants: debug, python27, docs, universalProvides augmented functionality (blocks, GRC definitions, apps, etc) for GNU Radio.
Version: 20200409-937834ce | Maintained by: michaelld | Categories: science comms | Variants: debug, python27, docs, uhd, rtl, armadillo, universalProvides augmented functionality for GNU Radio: a code-division multiple (user) access (CDMA) physical layer.
Version: 20161220 | Maintained by: michaelld | Categories: science comms | Variants: debug, python27, docs, universalImplements a funcube dongle pro+ source in GNU Radio.
Version: 20180828 | Maintained by: michaelld | Categories: science comms | Variants: debug, python27, docs, universalProvides augmented functionality (blocks, GRC definitions, apps, etc) for GNU Radio.
Version: 20190606-a2d86703 | Maintained by: michaelld | Categories: science comms | Variants: debug, python27, docs, universalgr-fosphor provides a GNU Radio block for RTSA-like spectrum visualization using GPU acceleration.
Version: 20191202-fa6761af | Maintained by: michaelld, ra1nb0w | Categories: science comms | Variants: debug, python27, docs, wxProvides augmented functionality for GNU Radio: Generalized Frequency Division Multiplexing.
Version: 20190416-4cc5b5c4 | Maintained by: michaelld | Categories: science comms | Variants: debug, python27, docs, universalPage 5 of 23 | Showing port(s) 81 to 100