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CLI command organizer written in Rust
Version: 1.3.1 | Maintained by: herbygillot | Categories: sysutils | Variants: universalThe High Code Framework (low-code for devs), a flexible data modeling & code generation system
Version: 0.6.9 | Maintained by: herbygillot | Categories: devel | Variants:Split your file into encrypted fragments so that you don't need to remember a passcode
Version: 0.3 | Maintained by: herbygillot | Categories: sysutils | Variants:An interactive parallel ssh client featuring autocomplete and asynchronous execution.
Version: 1.9 | Maintained by: herbygillot | Categories: net | Variants: universalBash and Zsh shell history suggest box
Version: 3.1.0 | Maintained by: ryandesign, herbygillot | Categories: shells | Variants: universalLike jq, but for HTML.
Version: 0.4.0 | Maintained by: herbygillot | Categories: textproc www | Variants: universalHTTPie is a command line HTTP client, a user-friendly cURL replacement.
Version: 3.2.3 | Maintained by: herbygillot | Categories: net python | Variants: python38, python39, python310, python311, python312A Fast and Flexible Static Site Generator built with love in GoLang
Version: 0.134.2 | Maintained by: cardi, herbygillot | Categories: www | Variants:Simplified Find command made with Rust
Version: 2.4.0 | Maintained by: herbygillot | Categories: sysutils | Variants: universalHurl is a command line tool that runs HTTP requests defined in a simple plain text format.
Version: 5.0.1 | Maintained by: herbygillot | Categories: www | Variants: universalhwatch is an alternative watch command that records the result of command execution and can display history and diffs.
Version: 0.3.15 | Maintained by: herbygillot | Categories: sysutils | Variants: universalA terminal built on web technologies
Version: 3.4.1 | Maintained by: herbygillot | Categories: aqua shells | Variants:A command-line benchmarking tool.
Version: 1.18.0 | Maintained by: herbygillot | Categories: sysutils | Variants: universalCommand-line utility for printing events and tasks from the macOS calendar database.
Version: 20200908 | Maintained by: herbygillot | Categories: office | Variants: universalInteractive Grep
Version: 1.3.0 | Maintained by: herbygillot | Categories: textproc | Variants: universalInteractive jq tool. Like jqplay for the commandline.
Version: 1.1.2 | Maintained by: herbygillot | Categories: devel sysutils textproc | Variants:a tool to output images as RGB ANSI graphics on the terminal
Version: 1.2.0 | Maintained by: herbygillot | Categories: graphics | Variants:CLI for managing resources in InfluxDB v2
Version: 2.7.5 | Maintained by: herbygillot | Categories: sysutils | Variants:Scalable datastore for metrics, events, and real-time analytics
Version: 2.7.10 | Maintained by: herbygillot | Categories: sysutils net | Variants:Cloud cost estimates for Terraform in your CLI
Version: 0.10.39 | Maintained by: herbygillot | Categories: sysutils net | Variants:Page 18 of 48 | Showing port(s) 341 to 360