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very small Forth compiler
Version: 3.64.1 | Maintained by: ctreleaven | Categories: lang | Variants: universalAlgol 60 interpreter NASE A60
Version: 0.23a | Maintained by: barracuda156 | Categories: lang algol | Variants: xa60A Common Lisp implementation that runs on the JVM
Version: 1.9.2 | Maintained by: easye | Categories: lang java | Variants:The Alan Programming Language
Version: 0.1.23 | Maintained by: herbygillot | Categories: lang | Variants:The RSRE Algol-68RS Compiler: an update of the original port by Sian Mountbatten of a68toc (ctrans) from Algol-68RS/ELLA2000.
Version: 2021.05.18 | Maintained by: barracuda156 | Categories: lang algol | Variants: universalAlgol 68 implementation as defined by the Revised Report
Version: 3.5.10 | Maintained by: | Categories: devel lang algol | Variants: compiler, native, plotutils, postgresql, R, universalAmber the programming language compiled to bash
Version: 0.3.1-alpha | Maintained by: herbygillot | Categories: lang | Variants: universalantlr is ANother Tool for Language Recognition
Version: 2.7.7 | Maintained by: Dave-Allured | Categories: lang java | Variants: universalantlr is ANother Tool for Language Recognition
Version: 3.5.3 | Maintained by: | Categories: lang java | Variants:ANTLR (ANother Tool for Language Recognition) is a powerful parser generator for reading, processing, executing, or translating structured text or binary files.
Version: 4.13.1 | Maintained by: emcrisostomo | Categories: devel lang | Variants: debugApple's version of gcc 4.0
Version: 5494 | Maintained by: | Categories: lang | Variants: universalApple's version of gcc 4.2
Version: 5666.3 | Maintained by: jeremyhu | Categories: lang | Variants: gpl3, bootstrap, universalArduino Software (IDE) makes it easy to write code and upload it to the board.
Version: 1.8.19 | Maintained by: giansalvo | Categories: devel lang java electronics | Variants:an interpreter for the GOTO languages Argh! and Aargh!
Version: 0.2.3 | Maintained by: | Categories: lang | Variants:seamless aspect-oriented extension to the Java language
Version: 1.6.2 | Maintained by: | Categories: devel lang java | Variants:a Forth interpreter written in Bash
Version: 0.63a | Maintained by: ryandesign | Categories: lang | Variants:Applesoft BASIC tokenizer and shape table utility
Version: 0.4.0 | Maintained by: ryandesign | Categories: lang | Variants:Beancount mode for Emacs
Version: 20210303 | Maintained by: l2dy | Categories: lang editors | Variants:Unified Parallel C runtime
Version: 2.22.3 | Maintained by: tenomoto | Categories: science lang parallel | Variants: clang10, clang11, clang12, clang50, clang60, clang70, clang80, clang90, clangdevel, gcc10, gcc11, gcc5, gcc6, gcc7, gcc8, gcc9, gccdevel, mpich, openmpiPage 1 of 38 | Showing port(s) 1 to 20