GET /api/v1/autocomplete/port/?format=api&page=589
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    "count": 38942,
    "next": "",
    "previous": "",
    "results": [
            "name": "py39-wxutils",
            "description": "Provides wxPython utilities and convenience functions."
            "name": "py39-xarray",
            "description": "Provides N-D labeled arrays and datasets in Python"
            "name": "py39-xarray-einstats",
            "description": "Stats, linear algebra and einops for xarray"
            "name": "py39-xattr",
            "description": "Python wrapper for extended filesystem attributes"
            "name": "py39-xdg",
            "description": "Variables defined by the XDG Base Directory Specification"
            "name": "py39-xdg-base-dirs",
            "description": "Variables defined by the XDG Base Directory Specification"
            "name": "py39-xdis",
            "description": "Python cross-version byte-code disassembler and marshal routines"
            "name": "py39-xhtml2pdf",
            "description": "HTML/CSS to PDF converter based on Python"
            "name": "py39-xkcdpass",
            "description": "A flexible and scriptable password generator which generates strong passphrases, inspired by XKCD 936"
            "name": "py39-xlrd",
            "description": "module to extract data from Microsoft Excel spreadsheet files"
            "name": "py39-xlsx2csv",
            "description": "xlsx to csv converter"
            "name": "py39-XlsxWriter",
            "description": "Python module for writing files in XLSX file format."
            "name": "py39-xmldiff",
            "description": "A library and command line utility for diffing xml"
            "name": "py39-xmlsec",
            "description": "a set of Python bindings for the XML Security Library."
            "name": "py39-xmltodict",
            "description": "Makes working with XML feel like you are working with JSON"
            "name": "py39-xraydb",
            "description": "X-ray reference data in a SQLite library, including a Python interface."
            "name": "py39-xraylarch",
            "description": "Larch is a system for analyzing X-ray data from synchrotron beamlines."
            "name": "py39-xxhash",
            "description": "Python binding for xxHash"
            "name": "py39-xyzservices",
            "description": "Source of XYZ tiles provider"
            "name": "py39-yaml",
            "description": "YAML 1.1 parser and emitter for Python"
            "name": "py39-yapf",
            "description": "A formatter for Python files"
            "name": "py39-yara",
            "description": "yara bindings for python 3.9"
            "name": "py39-yarl",
            "description": "Yet another URL library."
            "name": "py39-yaspin",
            "description": "Yaspin is a lightweight terminal spinner for Python with safe pipes and redirects"
            "name": "py39-z3",
            "description": "Python 3.9 bindings for the Z3 theorem prover"
            "name": "py39-zbar",
            "description": "Read one-dimensional barcodes and QR codes from Python 2 and 3."
            "name": "py39-zc-lockfile",
            "description": "Basic inter-process locks"
            "name": "py39-zeep",
            "description": "A fast and modern Python SOAP client."
            "name": "py39-zict",
            "description": "Mutable mapping tools."
            "name": "py39-zipfile-deflate64",
            "description": "Extract Deflate64 ZIP archives with Python's zipfile API."
            "name": "py39-zipp",
            "description": "A pathlib-compatible Zipfile object wrapper."
            "name": "py39-zmq",
            "description": "Python bindings for 0MQ"
            "name": "py39-zope-component",
            "description": "This package represents the core of the Zope Component Architecture."
            "name": "py39-zope-configuration",
            "description": "Zope Configuration Markup Language (ZCML)"
            "name": "py39-zope-deferredimport",
            "description": "The zope.deferredimport package provided facilities for defining names in modules that will be imported from somewhere else when used."
            "name": "py39-zope-deprecation",
            "description": "This package provides a simple function called deprecated(names, reason) to mark deprecated modules, classes, functions, methods and properties."
            "name": "py39-zope-event",
            "description": "Very basic event publishing system"
            "name": "py39-zope-hookable",
            "description": "Zope hookable."
            "name": "py39-zope-i18nmessageid",
            "description": "Message Identifiers for internationalization"
            "name": "py39-zope-proxy",
            "description": "Proxies are special objects which serve as mostly-transparent wrappers around another object, intervening in the apparent behavior of the wrapped object only when necessary to apply the policy (e.g., access checking, location brokering, etc.) for which the proxy is responsible."
            "name": "py39-zope-schema",
            "description": "zope.interface extension for defining data schemas"
            "name": "py39-zopeinterface",
            "description": "Python interfaces for Zope"
            "name": "py39-zopfli",
            "description": "Zopfli module for python"
            "name": "py39-zstd",
            "description": "Zstandard compression"
            "name": "py3c",
            "description": "Python compatibility headers"
            "name": "pybind11",
            "description": "Extension modules for pybind11, which provides seamless operability between C++11 and Python"
            "name": "pybombs",
            "description": "Python Build Overlay Managed Bundle System"
            "name": "pybombs-devel",
            "description": "Python Build Overlay Managed Bundle System"
            "name": "pycodestyle_select",
            "description": "common files for selecting default pycodestyle version"
            "name": "pydocstyle_select",
            "description": "common files for selecting default pydocstyle version"